Note: We have a full guide to bartender gifts here as well!

Bartenders are a rather mysterious sort, aren’t they? This time of year, many people ask me “What is a good gift for a bartender”?  I managed dozens of different bartenders at one time and I prided myself on the fact that I was considered not only their manager/employer but that I was also their friend. Through this relationship I got to know many of their family members.

Every year around the Holidays and their Birthdays I would receive calls, messages, Facebook messenger invites all requesting some information on what to get their beloved family member that chose to become a bartender.

Everyone that knows a bartender knows that they don’t just do it for the job, they take it on as a passion…something they are truly in love with. Which is exactly why I offer a list to them much like what I have come up with here. When you look at this list you can choose to buy each item individually if you prefer, but I think that the items on this list complement each other very well and would go great together as an entire ensemble for your favorite bartender.

Quick Note from Julia: some of the items below are actually produced by our very own “Top Shelf Bar Supply”. If you click on any of the links below and make a purchase, it helps support this site – and doesn’t cost you anything. Thanks for your support and happy shopping!

Great Gift Ideas for your Favorite Bartender

Stainless Steel Cocktail Picks

These make a great gift idea for bartenders because it allows a touch of sophistication and elegance that they can incorporate within their field of expertise. Bringing their occupation to life even when they’re at home.

No need to settle for plastic swords or frilly toothpicks, this gift will let your bartender serve their guests with an extra hint of professionalism that will exemplify just how much they love their passion for mixing up the best cocktail.

It’s a win-win situation with this gift. Make them happy and get a cocktail in return! It’s also made with proper stainless steel so you won’t get any infection or harmful metals from these awesome picks! Don’t forget that these can also be used to skewer your favorite party time snacks.

When you’re thinking of what gift to buy for your special bartender, this must make your list! Any serious bartender has thought at least once in their life how it would be to make their own spirits and how they could tweak it to work for their favorite cocktail, I know I have.

This kit comes with everything you need to make your very own full sized bottle of specialty Gin…how specialty is it? Well it’s one of a kind because your very own bartender will make it from scratch! They also have refill packets that you can make a smoky or spiced version as well. I can vouch for the Spiced…it is a rather unique blend!

These Stainless-Steel Silver Bottle Opener Cufflinks may not have great reviews, but they will prove to be more of a conversation piece than anything else!

Can you imagine the looks from your bartender’s guests when he or she opens their favorite beer with their cufflink? I think it’s worth it just for the stories! I don’t think there is a more sophisticated bottle opener out there, do you?

At times when you can’t think of the best gift to give to your bartender, go back to the basics! What does a bartender use the most in his or her profession? Their shaker! If they are going to be using it that often then it is crucial to make sure that they have one that is made of the highest quality, won’t stick, won’t freeze and most importantly…won’t spray or leak out during shaking.

This shaker is made from professional food grade stainless steel and is also safe to use in your home dishwasher. Whether this shaker will be used in a home bar or in a commercial bar it will be sure to hold up to the daily grind!

There isn’t much to talk about on this one, except for that everyone needs one! When you’re out visiting friends and family in a new place why do you need to waste money in an expensive overpriced hotel bar? You can whip up one of your own special cocktails for you and your loved ones anywhere you go.

This portable bar gives you the room to carry two bottles (one being a bottle of your home-made Gin from above). You can even replace the sub-par picks and shaker with the ones listed in this article to boost this gift! My favorite part about this Travel bar is that it comes equipped with its own martini glasses so that you can truly whip up a cocktail anywhere you are!

The greatest gift that you can give to your favorite bartender is the gift of knowledge, and flavor! So many bartenders now a days only use a single brand of bitters such as Angostura. There is nothing wrong with Angostura Bitters, however there are so many other infusions that pair beautifully with certain cocktails such as Hella Bitters.

The Smoked Chili is my favorite especially if you want to add a little extra ‘something’ to your old fashioned. The Ginger Lemon is my next favorite to pair with my manhattans…just something to mix things up and to open you and your bartenders taste buds to newer experiences.

We hope this list helps you find the perfect gift or gifts for your favorite bartender!

Tim Raymond

Tim is a former bar owner and head bartender in Wisconsin, he currently works as an SEO and Social Media Specialist, spending the rest of his time shooting pool and teaching martial arts.