Flavored whipped cream is a trick that’s been used on many a dessert menu – but why stop there? This week we’re talking about how to use a whipped cream canister to make foams of all flavors for your cocktail menu. Yep, we’re getting (just a little) molecular.

How to make Cocktail Foams:

What are Foams?

Foams are (in the simplest description) made up of a liquid that has millions of suspended bubbles inside of it. The result creates a “spongy” texture and interesting, creamy mouth feel. In order to make a foam, you need a liquid that has the appropriate qualities to suspend bubbles within it, and you need bubbles. In this case we’re making a flavored foam, so we’ve added some flavors as well.

Ingredients and Equipment:

To make a flavored foam, you will need:

  1. Acid (We’re using 2 ounces lime juice)
  2. Sweetener (1 1/2 oz Rich Demerara Syrup)
  3. Water (5-6 oz, to thin it out)
  4. (Optional) Bitters (We used 3 dashes of Celery Bitters)
  5. Protein (We’re using 4 egg whites)

As for equipment, I’m using a whipped cream canister like this one and charging it with two N2O Chargers(Affiliate links) You will want N2O chargers instead of CO2, as it results in a better foam texture.

The Process:

  1. First add all ingredients (except egg whites) to a glass and stir well to combine
  2. Add mixture to the Whipping container and add egg whites
  3. Close the whip cream canister tightly.
  4. Give it a quick shake to incorporate the ingredients
  5. Charge with a N2O charger and shake well. Remove the charger and repeat with a second charger.
  6. Now your Foam is complete!

Having Trouble Keeping it up?

If your foams fall quickly, consider adding some powdered gelatin to strengthen the mixture.

Using Foams in Cocktails

Looking at the process and ingredients, it’s easy to see how many different foam variations you could create. Here are a couple ideas off the top of my head:

  • Make a Cadillac Margarita with a salt and Grand Marnier  foam
  • New York Sour with a red wine foam
  • Any fizz with a contrasting flavor foam

Have you created unique foams for your cocktails? Let us know what flavors you’ve tried in the comments!

Chris Tunstall

Co-Founder of A Bar Above and career bartender and mixologist. I love experimenting, creating cocktails, and drinking Green Chartreuse.