If you’re using Mint to garnish your cocktails, you may be forgetting this one-second step that makes a big difference to the final drink. Check out the (super short) video below!

Garnish Like a Pro:

Show the Mint Who’s Boss

Mint is a beautiful garnish and adds a lot to the visual impact of a cocktail. But if you’re putting it in the glass without doing anything else, you’re missing an opportunity.

Take a minute to smack (some say “spank”) the mint between your hands before you use it. This doesn’t affect the visual appeal but releases the oils in the leaves, resulting in a bright and fresh aroma that will really add to the experience of the drink.

What do you think of our “Quick Tips”?

This is our second “quick tip” video (the first was about cutting lime wedges, from a few weeks back.) Like the quick format? Prefer longer, more in-depth videos? Let us know in the comments!

Chris Tunstall

Co-Founder of A Bar Above and career bartender and mixologist. I love experimenting, creating cocktails, and drinking Green Chartreuse.